The winning images of the contest

Blurred photo contest on Instagram

As part of the exhibition Blur. A Photographic History, presented at Photo Elysée from March 2 to May 21, 2023, the museum organized an Instagram contest on the theme of blur.

Photographic mistakes, focus manipulations, artistic and motion blur, vignetting or digital manipulation, more than 1'700 images were shared with the hashtag #PhotoElyseeFlou over a period of two weeks.

The great diversity and quality of the submissions impressed the Photo Elysée's team and the jury, composed of Nathalie Herschdorfer, director of Photo Elysée, and Pauline Martin, curator of the Blur exhibition. Thank you all for your participation!

Congratulations to the winners:

The three winning photographs will be presented in our spaces from Thursday, April 20 until May 21, 2023! The photographers of the winning images will also receive a Friends of Photo Elysée card, valid for one year.

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Published on 04.07.2024