Exquisite Corpse

Exquisite Corpse

Jaap Scheeren (NL, 1979) & Luke Stephenson (GB, 1983)
18:00 → 01:00
E – Patio
Meet the artist

Add your part to an exquisite corpse and leave with your picture!

When Surrealist artists used 'Exquisite Corpse' in the 1920s to create collaborative works of art, the game gained popularity. For those unfamiliar with this game, each participant draws or writes on a piece of paper, then folds it over to hide their part before passing it on to the next person to add theirs. The end result is wonderfully extraordinary. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, this game inspired photographers Jaap Scheeren and Luke Stephenson to send each other photos of their feet, legs, bodies, and heads. Their correspondence between Amsterdam and London shaped a multitude of composite characters which they then collated into a book and on a participatory platform.

Their installation Exquisite Corpse invites the public to join in this surreal game and to leave with a picture. 





Jaap Scheeren, Luke Stephenson, Exquisite Corpse, 2022 © Jaap Scheeren, Luke Stephenson

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