Siân Davey – The Garden

Prix Elysée 2023

Editor Photo Elysée
Publication date 2023
Dimensions 16.5 x 24 cm
Number of pages 24
ISBN 978‐2‐88350‐118‐8
Price CHF 9.- book only / CHF 45.- book with a print

"The Garden is a pilgrimage, an intentional act to cultivate a garden that is grounded in love: a reverential offering to humanity. We cleared our long-neglected garden, researched native flowers, soil, biodiversity; sourced organic local seeds, and sowed under the moon cycles, biodynamically. We offered prayers along the way. We invited the pollinators and nature spirits. Luke and I obsessively shared our dreams, our insights and visions. We collected stories from the people we met over the garden wall, which over time came to feel like intimate, confessional space. We invited our ancestors in to support and strengthen our vision."

Extract from Siân Davey – The Garden, Editions Photo Elysée, 2023.

The result of a partnership between Photo Elysée and Parmigiani Fleurier, the Prix Elysée is an award that supports production in the field of photography.

Published by Photo Elysée, eight publications present the projects of the eight nominees of the Prix Elysée 2022-2024: Vincen Beeckman, Debi Cornwall, Siân Davey, Nicolai Howalt, Khashayar Javanmardi, Alice Mann, Gloria Oyarzabal and Virginie Rebetez. Designed by the designer Ramon Pez and printed by L'Artiere Edizioni in Bologna, each of these booklets promotes the work in progress for the Prix Elysée and offers an original entry into the personal world of the eight photographers.

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