After Nature
Swiss photography in the 19th century
Editor | Steidl Verlag, Göttingen |
Author | Martin Gasser, Sylvie Henguely, Peter Pfrunder, Agathe Frochot |
Publication date | 2022 |
Dimensions | 23 x 29.3 cm |
Number of pages | 440 pages |
ISBN | 978-3-96999-045-2 (FR) + 978-3-95829-992-4 (DE) |
Price | CHF 88.- | Special price during the exhibition |
This book, which provides a first overview of Swiss photography in the 19th century, highlights the extraordinary achievements of the pioneers, but also certain particularities induced by the society of the time, such as the use of photography for police purposes of the marked influence of tourism. It also explores the interactions between the different techniques of image reproduction practiced simultaneously, including painting and engraving. Based on extensive research, this publication presents a wealth of exceptional works from public and private collections, thus vividly evoking the aesthetic qualities and different uses of photography.
Edited by Martin Gasser and Sylvie Henguely, in collaboration with Peter Pfrunder.
With essays by: Agathe Frochot, Hans Rudolf Gabathuler, Martin Gasser, Sylvie Henguely, Olivier Lugon, Nora Mathys, Patrizia Munforte, René Perret, Sandra Maria Petrillo, Markus Schürpf and Ricabeth Steiger.