La Photo pour les enfants Collection

Photo Elysée has joined forces with the Keribus publishing house to reinvent the concept of photographic books for young readers. In the form of a leporello, they aim to stimulate the curiosity and imagination of children and to help them discover new emotions through a selection of photographs found in the fabulous and inexhaustible collections of Photo Elysée.


A real challenge. To build a cabin to accommodate the abominable snow beast. Will he come? Will it come? The reader is eager to find out. But the snow beast may not be where we want it to be... A funny and sensitive immersion in the photographs of Hans Steiner and Frédéric Boissonnas. Readership: fr...
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Feel an image? Not easy! But with a little imagination, why not? From spectacular country landscapes to warm interiors adorned with magnificent bouquets, the reader follows a facetious parrot who steals all the colors of the flowers. And we laugh to make him a photographic prank! A poetic and playfu...
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