


Julie Maillard
Leiterin Kommunikation

Ferenc Berko off-site exhibition

Based on the museum's collections, Ferenc Berko: Fascination with the Ordinary presents 38 photographs from the artist's seven-decade career. Berko's work spans much of the 20th century. From his early documentary photographs of interwar Europe and his almost surreal images of everyday life to his later experimentation with color photography, the influence of modernity on his body of work is exemplary.

Veröffentlicht am 11.10.2021

The Musée de l'Elysée adopts a new identity: Photo Elysée

Closely linked to our move to Plateforme 10, our new identity puts photography first. Through a semantic and graphic play, Photo Elysée invites you to see – to see differently, to see further. Created by Gavillet & Cie with the Swiss typographer François Rappo, Photo Elysée aims to be bold and international.

Veröffentlicht am 23.09.2021

Kurt Tong, Gewinner des Prix Elysée 2021

Chosen by an international jury of experts among eight selected projects, his identity is revealed on June 22, 2021. Kurt Tong’s work revolves around exploring his Chinese roots by using photography as a narrative tool. "This project brings together the great history with fundamental subjects, such as immigration, wars, expatriation, but also a love story that touches each and every one of us" underlines Tatyana Franck, Director of Photo Elysée, Lausanne.

Veröffentlicht am 21.06.2021

Erwerbungen und Schenkungen 2020-2021

The year 2020 was punctuated by several acquisitions directly related to the desire to support contemporary creation, one of Photo Elysée's key missions. The new acquisition policy, the museum's purchases as well as donations and support are also detailed in the dossier.

Veröffentlicht am 21.01.2021