As part of our mission of being open to all, we aim to promote barrier-free participation in cultural life for people with and without disabilities. Accordingly, we organise projects related to accessibility and make it a part of our everyday lives. Photo Elysée guarantees different audiences not only the appropriate cultural offer, but also the right to have unrestricted access to the content, building, job offers and various communication tools.
Access and contact
People accompanying handicapped persons enjoy free admission to the Plateforme 10 museums. OASI and disability insurance cards are entitled to a reduced rate.
Contact us
If you have any questions or would like more information about the accessibility of the museum, please write to
Persons with reduced mobility
The entire Photo Elysée building and the mudac are accessible to people with reduced mobility. Suitable toilets are available on each level of the building.
The entrance to the museum is about 500 metres from Lausanne railway station; the access pavement is steeply inclined.
Folding seats are available for people subject to fatigue. Two wheelchairs are available upon request at the building’s reception.
The Plateforme 10 site and the SBB railway station are currently under construction. Any detour via alternative access routes will be indicated on site.
People with hearing impairments
All public guided tours are accessible to the hearing impaired thanks to the Comfort-Audio-Phonak magnetic loop system.
The magnetic loop works with all hearing aids with a T position.
Portable receivers are available on site for hearing impaired people who are not equipped or have a non-T-position device.
The magnetic loop system amplifies the voice of the guides. People equipped with the necessary device can follow the tour comfortably even if they are several metres away from the guide. The device is discreet and very easy to use.
To participate in the public guided tours with the benefit of the magnetic loop, you can contact
Sylvie Fussen
Reception Manager
LSF interpreters are welcome during public guided tours.
Visually impaired persons
Guide dogs are welcome throughout the building, including in the exhibition rooms.
Art for everyone: photographs to touch
Some thirty of the most important works in the museum’s collections have been tactically adapted and made available online in the form of a downloadable kit, so that visually impaired persons can access them all over the world.
L'Art d'inclure
The association “L’Art d’inclure” offers cultural activities, including visits to museums suitable for people with visual impairments, deaf-blindness and the general public
"Culture inclusive" label
The Plateforme 10 museums boast the “Culture Inclusive” label.
Awarded by the Inclusive Culture Service of Pro Infirmis, the “Culture Inclusive” label rewards cultural institutions that are committed to cultural inclusion and participation. As part of their mission of being open to all, the Plateforme 10 museums aim to promote barrier-free participation in cultural life for people with and without disabilities. The institutions carrying the label are involved in the following five fields of activity: cultural offerings, access to content, architectural access, job offers and communication.
Accessibility and Inclusion Charter
During the museum’s closure, all departments took action to draft the “Accessibility and Inclusion” Charter and to commit themselves to implementing accessible measures for the reopening.