Richard Mosse about Broken Spectre

Interview of Irish artist Richard Mosse

"If you compare the Amazon's deforestation to other forms of the Anthropocene, many of which were kind of the result of our ancestors carrying out forms of extractive violence, this is very different insofar as it's happening right now. And so because it's happening now, it can be stopped." – Richard Mosse


Richard Mosse (Ireland, 1980) works at the very limits of documentary photography, appropriating scientific and military imaging technologies to depict humanitarian and environmental crises in a powerful new light.

In this video, Richard Mosse tells us about "Broken Spectre", his most ambitious work to date. Through this monumental video installation, Richard Mosse makes visible the devastating effect of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, using state-of-the-art imaging technologies.


A longer version of the interview is available for listening:


Richard Mosse. Broken Spectre is on view at Photo Elysée from November 3, 2023, to February 25, 2024.

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