The Christmas Selection

The holidays are fast approaching and we have thought of you!

A varied Christmas selection of photographic books and design objects awaits you at the Photo Elysée and mudac shop.

Photographic books

  • Olivier Christinat, Pas un jour sans une nuit, Actes Sud, October 2022
  • Magali Koenig, Courir après la pluie, Actes Sud, October 2022
  • Vincent Jendly, Lux in tenebris, Vevey Images, September 2022
  • Rahel Oberhummer, Unearthed" autoédité, September 2022
  • Nicolas Rouvière, Chute, Keribus-PhotoElyse, September 2022

Design objects

  • Jewelry of Anaïde Davoudlarian
  • Jewelry by Dorothée Loustalot
  • Renaud Defrancesco, Vases flottants, 2020
  • Sylvie Godel and Jonas Meylan, Chairs in porcelain, colored resin, 2022
  • Adrien Rovero, Sedie 1 :20, 2010

Other news

Photo Elysée at Rencontres d'Arles

Photo Elysée presents two exhibitions at the Rencontres de la photographie d'Arles, from July 1 to September 29, 2024!

Published on 04.07.2024