Interview of Sondra Gilman and Celso Gonzalez-Falla

On the occasion of the exhibition "The Beauty of Lines"

"You know, we've been collecting forever, and we thought we knew our photographs. But this is an entirely new way. We never thought about it in terms of lines before. It was astonishing to also discover how they communicate. As I said, it really opened our eyes, which doesn't happen often when it's our own collection." Sondra Gilman


The exhibition presents a selection of masterpieces from the history of photography, part of the collection of Sondra Gilman and Celso Gonzalez-Falla. Based in New York, it includes over 1500 original prints by some of the greatest photographers of the 20th and 21st centuries. Through visual confrontations, the visitor is invited to experience the power of the photographic line through these sublime works.

The photographs by Bérénice Abbott, Eugène Atget, Robert Adams, Walker Evans, Vik Muniz, Man Ray and Lee Friedlander, among others, thus resonate, beyond their historical temporality and geographic considerations, by their formal correspondences.


The exhibition The Beauty of Lines. Masterpieces from the Sondra Gilman and Celso Gonzalez-Falla collection was showcased at Photo Elysée from January 31st to May 6th, 2018.

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